Association of the Social and Solidarity Economy, Proxim'Services Pays d'Auge offers various services and services at the home of individuals.

Our services :
- Home help service
Because the loss of autonomy should not become a constraint for yourself or for those around you, Proxim'Services offers you its skills to adapt to your needs and lighten your daily life.

- Housekeeping
Do you have little time to devote to household chores or can you no longer take care of the maintenance of your home? Proxim'Services offers you a tailor-made maintenance service to allow you to devote more time to your other activities.

- Child care at home
You need to have your children looked after during the day, school holidays or you are simply looking for a means of childcare for your occasional outings in the evening, Proxim'kids provides you with experienced and qualified professionals to intervene in your home.